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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Brooksville Visioning Committee meeting notice

Dear Brooksvillians and friends,

Our Brooksville Vision Foundation Stakeholders Council meeting will be held at Hernando Park, 1030 a.m., this Thursday, April 19 (day after tomorrow).    The purpose of the meeting is to have Cliff, Michael and Brent provide you a brief “point and show” summary of what has happened and will happen at the park in preparation for the Florida Blueberry festival.

There will be no published agenda or notice other than this email.

Please enter the park at the Library.  Do not park on Ft. Dade.  There should be ample parking at the City Hall parking lot and elsewhere nearby.  We’ll gather on the tennis court behind the Library and probably go no further than the court nearest the band shell.  I don’t expect we’ll be there more than about 30 minutes.

This is the last scheduled meeting of the Stakeholders Council before the festival.  If you do not yet have tickets for the many exciting events that will be held in the park, please get them at the event office at City Hall (see Michael).  I will award a one-and-only, extraordinarily fine bottle of 100% pure, chemical-free, homemade muscadine wine to the person who sells the most tickets (to be awarded after the festival). 

So, for Thursday, bring your smiles, your questions and your self.

If you aren’t excited about this event and what it will mean to our community, you need to see a doctor!

See you there!

Sonny Vergara

Brooksville Vision Foundation 
the future begins now!

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