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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Congress to write laws

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Following passage of the REINS Act, Rep. Rich Nugent (FL-05) issued the following statement:

“The debate yesterday was supposed to be about which branch of government is responsible for setting the laws in this country – the executive or the legislature.  The argument we heard against the bill is that regulations are too important to trust to Congress.  I respectfully disagree.  It’s not about the relative merit of regulation in general, as opponents of the legislation tried to suggest, it is about the fundamental way that our form of government is supposed to work.

“When rules are being written outside of the legislature that cost tens of billions to comply with, the situation has gone too far.  In my opinion, no president should have the ability to unilaterally impose such extensive rules without consulting the representatives of the people.  The president can’t even hire his chief of staff without the Advice and Consent of the Senate, and yet somehow, every president thinks his administration can write rules for the citizens of this country without the advice and consent of Congress.  This is not a dictatorship, it’s not a monarchy, it’s not government by fiat, it is a democratic republic.  The Founders wanted Congress to write the laws, not the President, and that’s the way we’re going to do things.” 


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