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Friday, October 12, 2012

We're not laughing, Mr. Biden

For those of you who missed the Vice Presidential Debate, here's a short YouTube clip of the highlights.  For 90-minutes, Vice President Joe Biden took the opportunity to laugh, insult and disrespect the American people by his demeanor in the debate with Rep. Paul Ryan. 

Mr. Biden, here's a short list why the American people are not laughing.

  • Our groceries prices soaring
  • Gas prices are out of control
  • Taxes on the middle-class are stifling the economy
  • We're mourning the loss of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his associates
  • Health care premiums have soared since Obamacare has been adopted
  • Unemployment has been at record levels for four years
  • We are facing the prospect of even higher taxes with Obama/Biden plans
  • Our military is being cut dramatically, even with increased risks of terrorists
  • Etc.,etc.,etc.

But Mr. Biden, our Number One reason for NOT laughing is our children and grandchildren are saddled with a $16-trillion dollar debt, to date, that doesn't even include interest.

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