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Friday, May 4, 2012

Restraint of Blueberry Queen

Anna Liisa Covell

The Blueberry Queen meets her match.

The bleacher seating for Hernando Park was installed earlier this week.  But now it is gone.

Local residents said Ms. Heard had to be restrained by police who were called to the scene when the bleacher contractor began removing seats from the park.  There was a dispute about the maximum number of seats that were installed on-site. The event organizer  was reported as refusing to pay the contractor.

Several local church officials are starting to question the authority of the organizers of the Blueberry Festival who want to know if their Constitutional rights are being violated.  Festival organizers are using their parking lots,  saying it is for the good of the community.  Some church deacons were told to cancel Sunday services because the Blueberry Festival is more important.

A public records request was submitted to the Brooksville Police Department in reference to the bleacher incident involving the restraint of the Blueberry Queen.

Stay tuned for updates ...


  1. Stay on them Anna, this whole festival has a certain stench to it.

    Jason Brazinski

  2. I gave T. Jennene Norman-Vacha a letter of request under FOIA on March 22nd asking for all communication concerning the transfer of the Hernando Park. She has yet to comply.

  3. Yes, I know your dilemma. I asked for a copy of the parade permit and event permit from the city clerk over a month ago. I was told they were working in it, but it wasn't ready.

    These permits, if issued, will show how much it is costing the city for police protection and street closures. It will also tell who is paying for the event permits and where the insurance coverage is coming from.

    I also asked who was supplying the certificate of insurance for the festival activities. The clerk was quick to assure me they would provide adequate coverage.

  4. I believe as a 501-3c that get substantial government benefit, the Florida Blueberry Festival, Inc. and the Brooksville Vision Foundation also fall under the sunshine laws as should there books. I'd like to know how much the festival cost the tax payers without any input from the public.
