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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Unique gimmick to get petition cards signed

Anna Liisa Covell

One local candidate is trying a new twist to get his name on the ballot.  But he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Stepping up to the plate late in the election process, Richard Matassa, candidate for Hernando County Commissioner, District 1 came up with a unique gimmick to get his petition cards signed to get his name on the ballot.

Matassa sent out a mass emailing with an offer - an offer to win a $50.00 gift certificate from Boston Cooker Restaurant for signing his petition card.  He plans on having a drawing of all the names submitted by petition card on April 26th to hand out three gift certificates.

Hernando County Supervisor of Elections office verified the legality of Matassa's petition raffle.  But the legality comes with certain requirements to be legal.  

According to Florida Division of Elections, a candidate can ask people to sign petition cards with an incentive of a raffle prize.  But Matassa has to make the drawing open to anyone whether they signed a petition or not.

It will be interesting to see the size of the fish bowl Matassa uses to include every citizen in the county for his raffle drawing on April 26th.

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