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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

JOBS Act press release from Rep. Nugent


(WASHINGTON, DC) – Following the House vote to concur in the Senate’s amendment to the JOBS Act, Rep. Rich Nugent issued the following statement:
“It’s about time.  Months ago, the House passed, in a series of near-unanimous votes, a set of bills designed to help small businesses raise private capital.  The Senate never debated them, never voted to amend them, never sent them to the President’s desk. It took the House passing them twice to persuade the Senate to act.  I suppose it’s better late than never, but for the millions of families out there who are desperately looking for action from Washington, this should have been done months ago.
“This is the way the process is supposed to work – we find bipartisan solutions, pass them, work out the differences between the House and Senate, and send it to the President.  If it can work here, however late it may be, it ought to be able to work on the other major challenges facing OUR country.”

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