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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Get out your tin-foil hats & big pencils!

Editorial Comments
Anna Liisa Covell

Hernando County's annual list of New Year's resolutions should begin by addressing a few items left in the dustbin as our year draws to a close.  As we swing into the New Year, all eyes will be on bigger and brighter promises for the future. We'll listen to promise after promise from politicians wanting to take their turn at the helm.

But before we jump into 2012, let's tidy up a few loose ends to answer a few questions from this year.

 1.   How many mosquitoes does it take to make a swarm before the county will send the bug truck?
 2.   Did Satan really send pygmy goats to visit Commissioner Jim Adkins' farm last summer?
 3.   How many frequent-flyer miles has Commissioner Jeff Stabins really racked up?
 4.   Will Blaise Ingoglia take "Number 1" spot on YouTube in 2012?
 5.   Will Balloon Boy launch another flying machine once the airport tower is built?
 6.   How many spaghetti strands does Jeff Stabins expect his constituent to eat through a strainer?
 7.   Was Commissioner Wayne Dukes seen outside of Workforce Hernando wearing a tin-foil hat?
 8.   Will Jim Adkins loan the county his "two tin cans and a string" for broadband and data capability?
 9.   Will Jeff Stabins ask the fire chiefs to flip a coin to see who gets to wear the big red fire hat?
10.  Will the first "Blueberry Queen" be Lara Bradburn?
11.  Will commissioners resort to a Ouija board to choose the next administrator?
12.  Has Jim Adkins sent away for his super-secret decoder ring from John Kerry?
13.  Will Skater-girl take first place in district 3 roller derby?
14.  Did Commissioner John Druzbick cry uncle in silent as his arm was twisted for Big impact fee waivers?
15,  How many more gray hairs will David Russell get balancing next year's budget?
16.  Will Jeff Stabins do "man-on-the-street- interviews when the Elgin Road  project  is complete?
17.  Do new sidewalk plans for School Street include a scenic stroll past  toxic waste dump at old DPW?
18.  Will citizens be judged to eternal damnation for disbelieving Jason Sager's fire & brimstone speeches?
19.  Has David Russell really applied for a job of "straw boss" at FDOT for SR50 widening project?
20.  Will Regina Werder-McGuire drag her brother's big pencil around to the campaign sites?
21.  Do visions of "school board seats" dance in John Druzbick's head as he sleeps?
22.  When Alvin Mazourek retires will he leave bread crumbs for Nobleton residents?
23.  Where will the keys to the cookie jar be hidden when Karen Nicolai retires?
24.  Has unemployment office listed "open seats at supervisor of elections" as job offers for unemployed?
25.  Will Wayne Duke figure out how to remove "No" from his vocabulary to accentuate the positive?

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