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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Press Release on Federal Budget / Rep. Nugent

“We spent the day cutting our own budget… that’s a day well spent.”

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Following a marathon, budget-cutting meeting of the House Administration Committee, Rep. Rich Nugent (FL-05) issued the following statement:

“Americans are looking at the federal government, they are looking at their taxes, they’re looking at the debt being run up in their names and they are saying, ‘you all have got to do more with less’.

“Congress isn’t exempt from the belt-tightening.  In fact, we’ve got to be the first to do more with less.  Leaders don’t ask others to do things that they aren’t willing to do themselves.

“Cutting the House budget is one thing we can do on our own.  We don’t have to fight the Senate for every penny and we don’t have to fight the White House.  This is what Washington could look like without all of the obstructionism - we can sit down, work it through, and deliver some results.

“We spent the day cutting our own budget for next year and that’s a day well spent.” 

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